26 June 2010

Dalian update: late carnevale

Dalian remains a fascinatingly different place. Yesterday night after the dull game Brazil-Portugal we headed to the relatively new Soho nightclub. In no time this place has become extremely popular, especially amongst local Chinese and Koreans. There is the usual mix of house and hip hop, which tends to bore me very quickly. But yesterday the DJ had a surprise up his sleeve: all of a sudden he started playing German carnevale and schlager songs!! And all the Asians went wild! For us very few westerners in there it was one of these jawdropping moments...

Plain summer here in Dalian, fantastic cycling weather. I'm preparing myself for next week's Beijing duathlon, which promises to be a tough challenge. I convinced the people from the club that it makes sense to take the nighttrain on Thursday rather than Friday to allow for sufficient rest before race day (Sunday). It is unlikely I will sleep much on that nighttrain, hence.

Meanwhile, Joel has moved out of the appartment. His one-year-contract had ended and he has decided to stay in Dalian, but also to do some bible studies as of next semester. He required a different flat for that. So, since a few days I have the whole big appartment to myself and most likely so until some Australian ex-financial consultant arrives in the summer.

I am finally also getting my summerbreak plans on track. After some travelling in China, It looks like I will be flying to Europe on either 11 or 12 August, after a duathlon race at Huang Shan (8 August). I now also intend to ride the tour version of Liege-Bastogne-Liege upon arrival in Belgium on 14 August, taking advantage of the jetlag.

The Jin Shi Tan race report will follow tomorrow (I know some of you are waiting for more details on that one..)

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