10 May 2010

Dalian update: studying with the Giro as reward

After two weeks on the road, it was back to the university classroom today. This week is rather serious, as we have mid-semester tests on Thursday and Friday. So, there is a certain incentive to put in some extra hours of studying, even when these tests have no real value and are just as much organised to evaluate our teachers' performances. Anyway, did not do anything else but reviewing all my notes and textbooks after classes today. It was interesting for me to recognise several words and phrases that I picked up while travelling around but had forgotten we had actually seen them in class already. More proof that it is vital to go out there and put things in practice rather than just sit behind a desk all the time.

The temperature in Dalian and the scenery has suddenly changed over the past two weeks. Last Saturday afternoon on the bike, I hardly recognised certain areas of my training route. Before Shandong it was all barren still, and now the trees sported green leaves and buds everywhere. Finally springtime - the Dalian locals are also sighing with relief. The winter was exceptionally long this year.

I have just finished watching the live web broadcast of the Giro d' Italia now. Thanks to la Gazzetta dello Sport I will enjoy the corsa rosa (nearly) every night in prime time here in China. No geo restrictions in Italy: perfect sound and image quality. For several years now the Giro is my favourite big stage race. The Italians have been much more creative in their stage design than the French of the Tour de France, which has resulted in much more exciting race scenarios. In contrast to the Tour, which has become a victim of its own commercial success. Sometimes the Tour seems more like a business event than a sports event these days, with predictable stages and lots of defensive racing by riders who after the first mountain stage refuse to take chances and risk a mere top 10 or even top 15 spot in the overall ranking. Nah, the Giro has a lot more heart today!


Gazzetta dello Sport: tutto sul Giro d' Italia

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